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Denson George


What is Personal Finance?

Money might not be everything but it’s definitely something very important. Finance governs our lives and being wealthy and self-sufficient continues to be one of the dreams that many of us crave.The beauty of Personal Finance is anyone can do it and in the process save and grow a lot of money. In this post, I discuss why anyone can become wealthy irrespective of their education or income.


Why Should You Start Investing?

Allow me to start this post with a story of when I started investing some years back, the worst feeling that I got at that time was why did I not start earlier. All I could think of was the precious time that I had lost. I thought I had a genuine reason at that time but in retrospect, no reason was good enough. Since I was just starting out, the mutual funds I chose for investment at that time were definitely not the best and were mediocre choices at best, though I have withdrawn from them now because of an emergency. I still regret having withdrawn from them. More on this in a later post.